Sunday, September 14, 2014


Welcome To My New Blog!!

I have decided to start over fresh with my blog.  I had planned on having this blog be dedicated to journals and other things related to journaling.  I kept thinking about all the other things I wanted to share with you-books, homeschooling, nature study, hiking, preparedness, small living, etc.  So I decided that this blog is going to be me sharing with you all the things that make me happy: 

Our adventures homeschooling and resources we use.  Our adventures being in the outdoors.
 Journals:  daily journals, spiritual journals, special topic journals.
 Travel journals, hiking journals, smash book style journals.
Travel journal kits, favorite materials and supplies, pens, etc.
There you go.  That's what will be happening here.  I'm not going to post on any particular schedule.  Just whenever  I have something I want to say.  So friends, come along with me and let's see what we can learn and experience together!